USS Liberty Cyber History
During the Six Day War between Israel and the Arab States, the American
intelligence ship USS Liberty was attacked for 75 minutes in international
waters by Israeli aircraft and motor torpedo boats. Thirty-four men died and
171 were wounded. The ships commanding officer, CPT. William
McGonagle was awarded the Congressional Medal of
Honor for his extreme heroism and extraordinary seamanship
The Israeli Government claimed they had mistaken the USS Liberty for an
Egyptian ship
...US Flag..................Egyptian
???Mistaken Identity???
© Copyright Jim Ennes 1996/97/98
The Attackers
![Mirage3.gif - 27.6 K](mirage3.gif)
IDF Mirage Jef Fighter. |
![Mystere3.gif - 30.7 K](mystere3.gif)
IDF Mystere Jet Fighter |
The Liberty .. Lightly Armed with .50 cal. Machine
With Men Sunbathing on the Deck..Flag Flying..Clear
The Result...34 Dead 171 Wounded
To the
USS Liberty Homepage
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do not reproduce without my express approval