The PRD-1 Operators HALL OF FAME

If you are a bonafide PRD-1 Operator from ANY war (or peacetime exercises)
send your name to be included in this elite list.
PRD-1 Jeep
Picture Submitted by
Ken Urbanik

- James T. Davis - 3rd RRU -
- Recognized by President Lyndon Johnson as "First American Killed in Ground Combat" - 1961 -

Bill Jackson/MOS-766/ 1943-1945!!!
Mike Benton the "last op" - 1991 - See Note Below

OUR PRD-1 TEAM 1966-67 - "BELLER'S FELLARS" - 330th/372nd RRC
Russell Beller/330/372RRC/1966
Orville "Butch" Browning/330/372RRC /1966 (deceased)
William R. Chron III/330/372RRC /1966 (deceased)
Michael J. Donahue/330/372RRC /1966
Vern Greunke/330/372RRC/ 1966

Harry M. King/330/372RRC/1966
Maurice "Curly" Kollstedt/330/372RRC /1966

Steve Masica/330/372RRC/1966
Ronald Seyboldt/330/372RRC/ 1966

George E. Thomas/330/372RRC/ 1966 (deceased)
Gussie J. Thomas 330/372RRC/1966

Edward D. Tune/330/372RRC/1966
Roland "Butch" Williamson/330/372RRC/1966

James Alligod Jr./317st/401st/402nd/403 RRC/60-66
Richard A. Anderson/358RRC/1968
Michael T. Ash/371st RRC/1967

Greg Autrey/1966
John Bain SFC (Retired)
Garry J. Baker/407RRD/1968
Jim Baker/303rdBn/372ndRRC/68-69
Jeff Balla/372nd-Cafe Blew/66-69

Dennis J. Barr/372nd-335thRRC-Cafe Blue/68
Peter M. Bednar/337 CRC/1954

Mike Benton (... see note at bottom)
Gary Blankenship/372RRC/66

Bob Bolling/316th/303rd Bn/60-63
Paul Boylan/400thRR SOD/73
Norm Breen/330th RRC/66
Bob Brogdon/372nd RRC/66-67
Terry W. Bruck/330th RRC/1966

Paul Bryant/76th/400th SOD (ABN)/59-64
Burggraben/400th S.O.D./78th ASA
William J Burke/404th RRdet/67
Lawrence Caprari/372ndRRC/68-69

Wayne L. Caudill/400th ASA (SOD), 1st SFG/71-74
Robert J. Chase/335RRC/67
Richard C. Coffey/371RRC/1966
Bert Corliss/408thRRC/67
Phillip E Croskey "Binder 22"/409RRD-146AvnCo/67-68

John W. Cruddas/409th/337RRU/67-68
Dennis Curp/409thRRD/66-67

Charles H. "Chuck" Daniels/403rdSOD Abn/66-68
Gerald Dannels/Germany/76 (used Serial No. 3)
Steve Davis/372ndRRC/66
Robert J. Destatte/3rd RRU/1961

John Dewey/RepairMOS269/Field Radio Repair
Jacques R. Dickerson 408thRRD/1968

Steve Downs/337RRC/1968
Phil Drake 372RRC-Cafe Blew/1969

Donald D. Dye/'66-'67
Richard C. Early/372RRC/1968

Ed Elder/403rdSOD/61
Chuck Engstrom/SF GP LRRP/403rd/69-72

Antonio "Tony" Faison/402nd/1970
Charles Fisk 330thCRC (Korea)/1956
Stephen Fletcher/05H/3rdRRU/64
Rudy H. Floyd/856thRRDet/67
Don "Moose" Fullerton/3rd RRU/61-62
Donald Fulton/265RRU/68

Jerry A. Gilstrap/372nd-409th/68
William Glass/8thRRFS/7thRRFS/70-72

Jimmie D. Grimes/CW3/Thailand/Whitebirch/65-69
Bob Hartley/Wrls Tp (Aust)Singapore/Malaya/60-62

Edward L. Hess/3rdRRU/62-63
Mark Hill/7thRRG Thailand/72
Richard W. Hill/337RRC/1968

Stephen W. Holler/337RRC/05H-05D/1968
Gary Holtman/371RRC/67

Michael J. Howard/410stASA SOD/1968
Richard Huffman/372ndRRC/67
Vernon L. Hull/404RRD/67-69

Richard D. Hurlbut/404th RRD/1965

James "Jim" Ingersoll/330th/66-67
Bill "Jake" Jacobson/372RRC/ 68-69

John F. Joffrion/425th RRU & Americal RRU/67-68 (During TET)
Robert Jordan/)5H - supported 101st Airborne/66-67

Raymer A Kent/409th RRD-11thACR/05H/'68-'69
Terru Keller/856th RRD/1966-68
Charles E. Kelly/329th CRC Korea/'51-'52
Barry A. Kintner/(05H) 404RRD/67-69

Michael Krefting/372RRC/1967
George Laessig III/400th/401st/402nd/403rd/68-75
Bill Lancaster/409RRD/66-67

James W. Lanthan Jr./330RRC/1966

John N. Latimer 856th RR Det/1967
Terry Lauby/372RRC/66
Jimmy LeCroy (LC)/371RRC/1966

Roger S. Lefever/372nd RRC/1968
Don Leonard/330thRRC/1968
Michael Levy/in Movie "ASA Company A in Action" - Drove it across stage!
Carlton Ray Loftin/303RRBn/1966

Dick Lowther/330RRC/66

Eliseo Lujan/175RRC/66
Ed Lynch/USMC/67
John S. Macdonald/330RRC/1966

Jim Macri/Ft. Devens/1965
Arnold Mahum/372RRC/1968

Virgil G. Maier/265RRU/68

John Marchand/409RRD/1966
James Marci/Ft. Devens PRD-1 Instructor/1964-65
Mike Martin/335th RRC/1967

William Martin/3rd ASA FS/54-57

Larry Marty/2nd Plt 265RRC/69

Baron "Matt" Mathews/303RRBn /66

Paul Matsudo/358RRD/68
Ken Matta/328thRRU/67
Jon Maxedon/372RRC/68-69

John L. McCarthy/372RRC/68-69
Phil McGibney/11th RRU/1966

John McNaul/265thRRC/1969
Alejandro Medrano/337thRRC/68
David Miller/313RRBn/509thRRGp/66-67

Larry Miller/371RRC/1966

Brian T. Morgan/372RRC/1966
Bernie "Capt Nemo" Murphy/407RRD/1970
Timothy M. O'Rourke/403RR SOD (ABN)/68-70
Robert Olmstead/7thRRFS & Det "B"/71-72
Danny Owen/8thRRFS/72B/67-69
Lauren R. Pacini/401SOD/66-69 /403SOD/69-70

William J. Page/Det 2, 3rd RRU/1965
Ronald G. (Ron) Palfrey/335RRC/69-70
David L. Parks/856RRD/66-68

James N. Percy/
405th RRD/82nd Abn/ 68-69
Robert Perry/05H/D/05HFF3
Eugene Pierce/335RRD/67-68
Tom Pitzen/320th ASA BN/58
Jean Price/337RRC/67
Robert Rambuski/Ft. Bragg/05H
Tom Ramsey/330RRC-371RRC/66-67
Robert Reed/3rd RRU/1961

John T. Rhurak/Devens Instructor "The Targer Jeep"/64-65
Tommy Rickenbacker/409thRRD/67
Kim A. Rider/407RRD 5th Mech/68-71

Alan Paul Romanowicz/3rd RRU Det J Phu Bai/64-65
Bill Romeo/328th RRU/67-69
Steven C. Roth/409RRD/1967
John Salter/330th RRC/66-67
Theodore (Ted) Sands/7th DARRS/7th RVN Inf. Div/72

Alan Scales/8thRRFS-Phu Bai/1966

Major Mike Schmitt/313th ASA BN/62
Ron "Fang" Schmidt/336th RRC/66-67
John S. Shelton3rd RRU/65

Earl Shollenberger/335RRC/1966
Kenneth L. Shuck/403rd ASA S.O.D./Ft. Bragg
Daryl Slusher/11thRRU/65
Ralph "Max" Smart/ 856th RR Det/NCOIC SRDF/66-67

Donald R. Smith/400th,402nd,403rd/(My Class Advisor! Class 10A 1966)
Bill Solt/856RRD/358RRC/67-68

Robert Spann/Japan-Okinawa R&D/1962
Scott Stayart/337th RRC/1967
Keith Sykora/3rdRRU/65
James T. Telford/3rd RRU/1962
Ron Thebeau/408th RR Det-328th RRC/66-69
Windell Thomas/337th RRC-11th RRU/68-69
Jim Thompson/265RRC/1968

Thomas J. Tomczak/403rd/RR SOD (ABN)/1968

Jim Tootle/405th RRD-82ns Abn/67-68
Thomas C. Trowbridge/372RRC/1967
Chuch Truitt (Marine)/FSB Fuller/1969 Operated Serial #0014
Norris C. Vincent/403SOD Abn SfGp/66-68
Robert A. Wascher -LTC Ret./329th ASA Camp Casey Korea/1978
Bob Westhaver/265thRRC/1968-69
Rick White/335thRRC/68
William A. Withers III/856th RR Det, 199th LIB/1966
Fred Wiggins/303rdASABN/66
Jim Wills/3rd RRU/61-62
Larry Wilson/856th ASA Co./1975
- (operated PRD-1 Serial #004)
David Yates/10th RRU/65-66
William G. York/404th RRU/1967

From Mike Benton -
'I am almost certainly the last ASA member to operate, train and maintain the PRD-1 in field operations.
I was trained on the PRD-1 as an 05D in 1969, and served more than 24 years in the same career field, retiring as a CW4, 352D in 1993.
As an advisor to the Thai armed forces between 1987 and 1991, I was responsible for support to DF systems and operations:
there were about 2 dozen PRD-1 sets in the Thai inventory, and, with the help of Thai engineers attached to my office, we re-built these,
fabricated universal power supplies in the original battery boxes, and trained their operators in proper use. I last went to the field with PRD-1s in 1991.
The Thais also had several TRD-4 sets: I was able to resurrect one of these for limited mobile operations, and throughout my tour,
helped them keep their 1 operational TRD-23 working.
They also had the relic of the prototype TRD-23 in their 'boneyard' - serial no. 1 - I still have the data plate from the shelter.'

COIN NO LONGER AVAILABLE - If you have one, you have one of 100  - a true collectors item, and sure to gain greatly in value over the years, or not.

PRD1 Hall of Fame Coin

I now have my OWN PRD-1 set up with Tube based power supply and tripod.
I have yet to do a "smoke test" on it though.
A Photo Op is soon in the making.
- Vern   ASA LIVES!!