I started out as a 058 in 1960 but ended up an 055.Im not sure what we were called later on. Basic at Ft. Leonard Wood. on to Ft.Devens where we spent as much time in the "little club" and was spent in studies. Spent time at Ft. Bragg until I married a German girl who at the time had relatives in East Germany. I was whisked away to Panama and the adventures of a life time. I was seperated Jan 1963 just after the cuban missile crisis and the scare of all kinds of threats both real and imagined.Thought we had seen the world about to come to end with all the good shit Castro and the bald headed little fart from Russia were gonna throw our way. I remember the 058s who could take groups and type their name in between at speed that sounded to me like teletype. They would send ...---...---. which you learned was there is birdshit on you antenna. When i got home things were just a little hard to adjust to. Life seemed really tame after 3 glorius years running all over the world and eating and sleeping in the back of a commo hut. I got a 25 dollar Savings Bond from the government for a new design for the commo hut and a personal letter from John F Kennedy thanking me for my devotion and good ideas.The $18.75 didnt go too far with the price of booze in the states. But it thrilled my German wife so much, that when we split up she burned it along with all the pics and different things I had collected.
I see on the net that the guys talk about field stations. Our field
station was a deuceand a half loaded with all kinds of shit or a 4x4 that
was kinda small for all the stuff that had to be in it.
Our rigs were all center of grativitied and when the troops took off for a
mission or whatever we went right along with them. When i was at Ft.
Bragg we had our bag packed and had to be ready to go at the drop of a
hat. If it hadnt been for a friend of mine who had a car I would have
been in deep shit more than once.I went back to Bragg to visit my step daughter
and her husband who was stationed at Pope, and there was not so much as a trace of the 317th.
I still wonder if the reason I got shipped to at that time Ft Kobbe in
the Canal was because I married a German girl or if the Battalion Commander
didnt like me because I couldnt keep up on the runs or just didnt have
the stamina to go through the training.
When I entered the Army I told the recruiter that I was blind in my left
eye had a heart murmur , I had had scarlet fever and polio when i was 6
years old. The polio left me with one leg shorter than the other. He
assured me that it didnt matter ...if Icould pass the test and be in the
upper 10% as far as intelligence went. I passed the test and to this day
am not sure whether passing it made me very intelligent or showed what a
dumb son of a bitch I really was. I went through Ft. Leonard Wood in the
coldest winter in 100 years. We lost three guys out of our platoon, but that
didnt mean much since I had the honor of training with a reserve unit.
"RA" didnt mean shit there.
I survived and went to Devens for advanced training and had a hard time
with my legs. I got a buck slip and was told they were going to give me a
medical discharge. I balked at that because I had enlisted and told them I had
to fight to get in and was not going to be railroaded out. They assured me
that if I would stay they would give me a gravy assignment. I was more than a little
surprised when then shipped to Ft. Bragg. There was no gravy there,
just a lot of field and "KP" time.
I went to training at Eglin and a friend suggested that I get married so I could live
off post.I went with him to Penn.. and he introduced me to his wifes cousin.
I got drunk, got married and went back to Ft Bragg to find out what it meant
when you have an argument with that friend and he kicks you and your
new wife out. At that time I was a pfc and had a 80.00 allotment out of my pay
for a child from a previous marriage. It was really a relief when I was
ordered to Kobbe.